
WebOn Admin - A(very SIMPLE) servlet based management framework

WebOn-Admin is a web-application (WAR). developed in java 1.4.
Its principal function is to give a simple api for remotely management of an application. web-admin is like tomcats webmanager.
The difference of web-admin is the the visual interface (very dark but util also). webon-Admin export a common api for creating administrators for application. sample of possible administrators are: log4j administrator, to change the log priority. Re deploy app, to redeploy an ear, or war. Change state of an application or a state machine of specific bussiness logic, reload singleton patterns... and others.
webon-admin is very tiny. it have only three classes and deploy files. web-admin is administrated with an administrator created with webon-admin itself
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

Comments, doubts, suggestions

Adrian Anacleto / adrian@epidataconsulting.com

the webon admin team is sponsored by www.epidataconsulting.com

Home Page of the project in sourceforge / downloads / todo's / etc

webon Admin